On Healing Liturgical and Spiritual Ministry - Father Nikolaos Papageorgiou

On Healing Liturgical and Spiritual Ministry - Father Nikolaos Papageorgiou

On Healing
Liturgical and Spiritual Ministry
Father Nikolaos Papageorgiou
Kyriakidis Publications

The purpose of this book is to serve as a practical guide with clear positions on theological, liturgical, and spiritual issues, concerning the critical and delicate issues of spiritual ministry in healthcare institutions, and supporting those who suffer.

The pages of the book examine the functional context of the presence of the Church in the institutions in question with suggestions on specific ways to carry out the Sacraments of Confession, Holy Unction and Holy Communion. Special attention is given to the issue of emergency Baptism with the order of the service and practical instructions.

The book also focuses on a particular consideration relating to the ministry of the deceased after leaving the premises of the healthcare institution. With the list of the doctors-saints and protectors of the sick, as well as the publication of a hospital prayer book, the goal of this practical guide is to serve as a handbook for the daily routine of clergy who find themselves in the healthcare institutions where they deal with human pain. It offers solutions to practical problems and questions clarifying many uncertainties in the perimeters of clerical ministry.