The 12th Consultation of the European Network for Health Care Chaplaincy
The 12th Consultation of the European Network for Health Care Chaplaincy
Monday June 11, 2012
The 12th Consultation of the European Network for Health Care Chaplaincy
The 12th Consultation of the European Network for Health Care Chaplaincy was held in Mennorode, Neitherlands between the 6th and 10th of June, 2012. Representing the Ecumenical Patriarchate at this event was Fr. Stavros Kofinas. The theme of the Consultation was Working together - The challenge for chaplaincy in an interdisciplinary era. Taking part in the Consultation were representatives from all the countries in Europe. At the beginning of the Consultation, Fr. Kofinas relayed the greetings of His All-Holiness and at the end of the event, Anne Vandenhoeck honored the Ecumenical Patriarchate for the 10 years during which it coordinated the Network (2000-2010), citing the efforts and and hard work that was made in establishing the Network as one a significant organization in Europe.
Read the "Greetings on behalf of HAH Netherlands"